let me write in this space, just read okay

Monday, March 30, 2009

crying a lot like a baby

yesterday i was crying a lot yeah, because of...............................my momma, she not allowed me to attending universal, why? it's privacy and yeah i felt so bad, and i crying a loooooot (cengeng) padahal aku mau ketemu banyak orang di universal, especially TEGUH, ya i miss him so much hu tapi gabisa ketemu kan sebel

second, with fitriiiii, i have a problem with her, and yeah i realize it's not my fault, actually, and not her fault too. it just a salah paham(?) and i really hate to fight with her, i don't want to, because she is my best friend :'''''''''( she always help me, when i need her, and i always need her, and she always help me. aku punya satu utang sama dia, karena dia udah bantu aku buat baikan sama temen temen aku, tapi aku gatau mau balesnya gimana, eh dia udah marah duluan, hu aku gasuka kaya gini fit, please forgive me, dia itu baik banget&aku gamau musuhan sama dia hu

third, with teguh hu and for this problem, i really realize this is my fault, just because satu minggu ini dia sibuk banget di sekolahnya, dia berangkat pagi pulang malem, pas aku otp malemnya "aku boleh tidur ga? sumpah aku capek banget" maunya apa? kapan ada waktu buat aku? akhirnya tadi malem aku ga tahan dan aku nangis -__-" it's really hurt me you know? i really need him now, because all of my problem that i can't solve by my self, and i want to share with him, just it, I JUST WANT TO SHARE IT,but he cant, he cant listen to all my problem, he busy with his school, universal, and anything else, so dia ga punya waktu buat aku padahal aku lagi butuh banget dia kenapasih? 

dan kemaren aku nangis banget pas jam 10 itu karena dia capek, aku ngerti dia capek tapi aku bener bener mau cerita, tentang fitri, mamah aku, semuanya tapi dia itu gaada waktu buat aku

and last night, he talked with my sister, on the phone, and teguh sharing a lot of something that i dont know about me to my sister, terus kakak aku ya sok nasehatin dan ngedengerin gitu kan hm yauda akhirnya aku sama teguh baikan :'D

cuma teguh yang bisa ngalah, yang bisa ngertiin aku, hu yang lain? 

just hope that i can solve my problem clearly, amin,

currently listen to: thanks God i found you - mariah carey

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